Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


today i didn't go to school but i'm blogging because i feel like it's part of my to-do-list. well christmas break starts early for me. i just can't wait for christmas 4 me it ain't of preasents is of stayin' home and watching t.v. in the couch while i'm wrapped in a blanket and NOONE gettin on my nerves. {hahahaha}

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Rockin' around the Christmas tree
At the Christmas party hop,
Mistletoe hung where you can see,
Every couple tries to stop,Rockin'
around the Christmas tree,Let the
Christmas spirit ring,Later we'll have
some pumpkin pie,And we'll do some caroling.You will get a sentimental feeling
when you hear,Voices singing,
"Let's be jolly,Deck the halls with
boughs of holly",Rockin' around the
Christmas tree,Have a happy holiday,
Everyone dancin' merrily,In the new old-fashioned way.You will get a sentimental
feeling when you hear,Voices singing,
"Let's be jolly,Deck the halls with boughs of holly",Rockin' around the Christmas tree,have a happy holiday,Everyone dancin' merrily,In the new old-fashioned way.---

Friday, December 18, 2009


"...AND NO HOMEWORK FOR 2 WEEKS! let's have fun and forget everything!
rockin' around the christmas tree...{to be continued}" hahaha. finally, maby we might not be coming out like A TRACK. but aleast we get 2 weeks. and we only need like 2 more mounths? anyway i would LOVEEEEEEE for everyone to have a nice christmas time. and for all your wishes to come true!!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

bloging and it's feelin'.....

when you blog... it's like talking to a person. it might not answer back but you'll hear wat u WANT 2to hear. you'll tell it wat u want to talk about. it's a nice experiance if i don't work in the lib. anymore i'll make sure to make my own and if i have to buy it i will!!!!!

this should be an AWSOME experiance!!!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

love isnt soppose to hurt......

Monday, November 30, 2009

people's blog

goofys blog:

hey goofy i know u though it sucked { the dance} but beside the suky music and

the NO glowsticks rule at the last moment and the complains of the moody people and the disrespectful persons it waz preatty good dance!!!! {lol}

ulises blog:

hey ulises your link does NOT work. { well at least not in my copmuter} so AFTER u FIX it than i'll read it!!!!! hahahahahahahahahaha

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

need help.....

well there are some options for it
1. you go to the library caltolog
2. type in "American History"
3. scroll down till you see "dvd" and there are some options like:

-thomas jefferson
-The era of colonization, 1585-1763 [videorecording]Nevison, Henry.
-The American Revolution [videorecording]Payer, Hollis

you pick what you want AND GO TO THE COUNTER AND CHECK IT OUT!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Exuse me can u help me find..."

"...a book that helps me find why or how egyptians made their mummuies out of the dead?"

"sure now let's go to the catlog and type in mummies or egyptians and lets see what we get.."

"... now we found one then we see where it's located in and let's see it's 932 def {acual # on shelf} we go to the islands because that's non-fiction..."


" hear it is "The Egyptians by Jonna Defrates" {acully a book!!} so now you see and there's more on the same self if you need some more books." ;]

"thank you"

"no promble."

{accual tittle}

Monday, November 16, 2009

shodow boy's blog...... and jimmy's

hey chris or shadow boy i just wanted to say cool what happened on your b-day. i'm sorrrrrrrrrry i didnt give u anything on your b-day but i annostly sorry. :{

jimmy u now i want that game to u now well not me my brother accully. but if u get it i guess i sell ot so leave one 4 my bro.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

my reascher......

i havent had a reascher in science or social studies but i've had one and it's frusterating when u get it wrong.when i reasher i always try to have my flash drive and a paper and pencial. {google my fav site page} at the end of my reascher i was ALMOST satified with the results but i havent had enogh experince to feel like i know everything!!!!!!!

my thoughts

yovany i think your halloween was mess-up i mean it. i feel sorrrrrrrrrry for you and to people who didnt have a nice time it only comes once a year

Thursday, November 5, 2009

the vampire diares..


how do i get info about our world.......hmmm...

i get my info from EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!!!!! that's why i'm usally in doubt. what's true or whta's not. when it's something small like .. a homoside nowhere near i ask my parent's when it's somehting important like swine flu spreading.. i go to the computer {internet} or the news to get the right infonot rumors. {google mostly or channel 5 news ktla tells u the most important thing u want 2 know!!!!! and it goes on right!!!!!!}

Friday, October 30, 2009

first thing i do....

the first thing i do
when get into the internet
is go to GOOGLE. i love it!!!
it tells me what i want to ACCATLLY SEE.

first thing......

the first thing i do is google it. i google that google this, everything!!! i even thinking of make it my home page. the only thing i DON'T like is it never qite answers u'r Q's good.



Tuesday, September 8, 2009


just listen is a great book. this book is going on my fav books list. it is soooooooooooooooooo cool it's about a girl who is having a very hard time. it's time to go back to school at the end of their summer vac. but something happen durring that time..... and word spread but she nows there's more to what everybody thinks that that she nows and that she knows is innocent. her promble is that she dosn't say what she thinks or how she feels but.... owen a VERY cool AMAZING guy who eveybody dosen't notice despise his bouph sholders and amazing hight nobody give a 2nd look. and every body juges him wrong including annebale {the girl i'm talking about} but she discovers how sweet funny trustable he is. she finds herself telling him every thing she dosen't tell nobody mostly because of family prombles { her sister eating disorders other sister making her own chioce in life with giving her parents hard time}and because of moldin school wich she hates but can't quit because hr mother in LOVE with it. so she turnsto a person she never thoug or given a chance to know........... owen!!!!!!

Monday, August 31, 2009


twisted waz such a fast read. i read it in a day. it waz so awsome the end i have a prediction bout that. let's see what you think.

GO GREAD!!!! {get it he he he go read}

the last day!!!!

the last day felt like so loooooooooooo{lol}oooooooooong i mean it well maby because when you want the school to end it dose't end and when you do IT ENDS. it felt like comming out a 3:24 insted of 12:40

Thursday, August 20, 2009

system of down

system of down is soooo cool. i just heard the song hypontiz and boy did i miss something it was so cool. but i know it ain't a new song so i'm LATE!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

shadow mirriow

i just got a new book called shadow mirriow about a girl called sara who is strugaling wih her lfe as a hunter. se hunts vampires and kills them but the main point is to get to h targe of them all. she needs to kll hi but gets cought up to romance th a vampire her enemy who can get killed by hat because it dost only lok bad but can ge them in trouble by law. wow.


i just finishe readin a book called angel. angel is a terrific book. it's about a girl who sees angels and anther girl who is turning into one. they are not the bestest freaind oreven a freaind. the girl who is turning into a angel {fraya} do NOT want to be seen with her because she's an angel freak. stephanie who belives in angel WANTS to be her freaind but s denied. it'sa very cool book and in some point you can' put it down. but in the beging you get so bored. but it gets very intersting.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


FADE!!!!! wow i finally i got the 2ed book of wake. ohmygod. it's even BETTER than the first one w-o-w. i went to the the public libary a couple of days ago and i asked for the book they didn't have it so they order and told me to go on friday. i went on friday it wasen't there so they told me on monday {it was a long day} and i was over my head busy so went intill next saturday and guess what a couple more minutes and they send it back. SAFE. i got there on time. what a journey.

the fray

the fray song "you found me" is AWSOME. i really like it and i want the C-D but i cant find it but i might save up money for it 'cause i want to buy it instead of my parents buyong me everything it feels right to buy it by youself.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Maximun Ride-the angel experiment

maximun ride is a book/series that i just started reading. the beging just GOT me i kept reading and reading. 1 word. GOOD. i'm not half way through but it's good already. i wonder whats going to happen?!!!

hunted-book 5

Finally i finnish the series marked and ended with Hunted book 5. about how everything ends up on zoey. will she deaft the most beutiful creature? or be like he says her lover. will she decide on which of her 3 boyfriends? hmmm....... READ

brain pop {this week}

harry potter
how and when the arther made it.-10/10
who {invented} and when { was invented} and what are they for.
who was he? 8/10

Saturday, July 25, 2009

power point.

in the power point i plan on doing differnt book links. it's to change the

book to your perspective.

friday afternoon BAD DAY-review

this friday i came home from shool. my mom wasen't there and my dad said she was at the park's pool. i said i wanted to go and he took me. i went in shorts and tank top. they said you can only waer a bickiny. but i said i dont wear that. she said to bad. then she left and somone eles took her place. so this woman one was nice let me enter but inside the woman was there. the one who told me to get out and i told my mom i couldent' enter so she let me borrow her clothes and finnally i went in and only lasted 10 min. then they closed it. BAD DAY

brain pop {thinking next week}

taxes-why are taxes important?- 10/10
mp3's- why what there so special for?- 10/10

brain pop

headaches-why and how headaches are.8/20
sleep-why and what happen when someone sleeps-9/10


untamed is th 4th bool in the marked series. it' s story that leves breathless. 'cause you feel tense and stuff like the character but then you think ' why do i feel like the character? she's tense not me' then you start craking up.


chosen the 3rd book in the marked series. it's tottaly shocking and the ending leaves you sain' ohmygodness it cant end like this when you read the book you'll know the inside loke. ha ha ha.

Monday, July 20, 2009


betrayed is the 2nd book on the marked series. it's awsome. you find out why it's called that and there's a shocking news that you will not expect. and zoey is traped with all thease HOT boyfriends that she cant chose. oh-no

Saturday, July 18, 2009


marked is an awsome book. it is full with romance, action, ect. it's about a girl named zoey redbird, who gets maked {a.k.a. vampire} and is facing challenges through her new life. hags from hell, {exucse my text} new crush, old boyfriend prombles, and unnormal powers to deal. i luv it i really recommend it!


books take you to anther world. beside this cruel {somtimes} world it's nice to aculley. leave it and let your imagination go wild!!!!!!

brain pop

the puberty video on
brain pop is a inter-
sting i got 10/10

the bugers:
tells you why we need them

why are dreams important? does
it mean somthing?

the orphan

the orphan a movie just coming out. i would want to see it. i think it will be scary. it's about an adopted little girl that they find out has a promble. and you'll never guess her secret....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Books i recommend:

  1. twilght
  2. new moon
  3. eclipes
  4. breaking down
  5. city of bones
  6. city of ashes
  7. city of glass
  8. wake
  9. peeps{strong readers}
  10. marked
  11. killing Brintey