Tuesday, September 8, 2009


just listen is a great book. this book is going on my fav books list. it is soooooooooooooooooo cool it's about a girl who is having a very hard time. it's time to go back to school at the end of their summer vac. but something happen durring that time..... and word spread but she nows there's more to what everybody thinks that that she nows and that she knows is innocent. her promble is that she dosn't say what she thinks or how she feels but.... owen a VERY cool AMAZING guy who eveybody dosen't notice despise his bouph sholders and amazing hight nobody give a 2nd look. and every body juges him wrong including annebale {the girl i'm talking about} but she discovers how sweet funny trustable he is. she finds herself telling him every thing she dosen't tell nobody mostly because of family prombles { her sister eating disorders other sister making her own chioce in life with giving her parents hard time}and because of moldin school wich she hates but can't quit because hr mother in LOVE with it. so she turnsto a person she never thoug or given a chance to know........... owen!!!!!!