Monday, November 30, 2009

people's blog

goofys blog:

hey goofy i know u though it sucked { the dance} but beside the suky music and

the NO glowsticks rule at the last moment and the complains of the moody people and the disrespectful persons it waz preatty good dance!!!! {lol}

ulises blog:

hey ulises your link does NOT work. { well at least not in my copmuter} so AFTER u FIX it than i'll read it!!!!! hahahahahahahahahaha

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

need help.....

well there are some options for it
1. you go to the library caltolog
2. type in "American History"
3. scroll down till you see "dvd" and there are some options like:

-thomas jefferson
-The era of colonization, 1585-1763 [videorecording]Nevison, Henry.
-The American Revolution [videorecording]Payer, Hollis

you pick what you want AND GO TO THE COUNTER AND CHECK IT OUT!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Exuse me can u help me find..."

"...a book that helps me find why or how egyptians made their mummuies out of the dead?"

"sure now let's go to the catlog and type in mummies or egyptians and lets see what we get.."

"... now we found one then we see where it's located in and let's see it's 932 def {acual # on shelf} we go to the islands because that's non-fiction..."


" hear it is "The Egyptians by Jonna Defrates" {acully a book!!} so now you see and there's more on the same self if you need some more books." ;]

"thank you"

"no promble."

{accual tittle}

Monday, November 16, 2009

shodow boy's blog...... and jimmy's

hey chris or shadow boy i just wanted to say cool what happened on your b-day. i'm sorrrrrrrrrry i didnt give u anything on your b-day but i annostly sorry. :{

jimmy u now i want that game to u now well not me my brother accully. but if u get it i guess i sell ot so leave one 4 my bro.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

my reascher......

i havent had a reascher in science or social studies but i've had one and it's frusterating when u get it wrong.when i reasher i always try to have my flash drive and a paper and pencial. {google my fav site page} at the end of my reascher i was ALMOST satified with the results but i havent had enogh experince to feel like i know everything!!!!!!!

my thoughts

yovany i think your halloween was mess-up i mean it. i feel sorrrrrrrrrry for you and to people who didnt have a nice time it only comes once a year

Thursday, November 5, 2009

the vampire diares..


how do i get info about our world.......hmmm...

i get my info from EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!!!!! that's why i'm usally in doubt. what's true or whta's not. when it's something small like .. a homoside nowhere near i ask my parent's when it's somehting important like swine flu spreading.. i go to the computer {internet} or the news to get the right infonot rumors. {google mostly or channel 5 news ktla tells u the most important thing u want 2 know!!!!! and it goes on right!!!!!!}